Monday, January 8, 2007

It's a bit on the late side

So all the packing is done except for the last-minute stuff. Tomorrow I'm off to London by way of NYC by way of Syracuse by way of a car. This room is the cleanest it's been since I got back from school. And there's a lime. Not sure where it came from - I'm guessing Florida.

Annnd it's 4:12 a.m. Went a bit late packing, since it came after hanging out with Tom, Evan, and Dan one last time, with much reminiscing, profanity, and condemnations of French cowardice from all.

So I've got a blog, and i'll try to write in it as much as possible. More exciting tales will undoubtedly come, Internet-willing, and hopefully when i'm not too tired to form coherent sentences as is quickly becoming the case. Crazy day tomorrow - hoping for a snake-free flight and i'll hopefully be back in touch soon.

What's with the lime?
What, you don't like limes? They're tasty. They add zest.

1 comment:

La Petite said...

1. I know where the lime came from.

2. As for French cowardice, tu devrais venir ici et leur montrer comment tu es costeau.... (un phenomène que je doute tellement...)